Publikationen und Bcher  seit 1991 

Publications and books since 1991


Bcher – Books   :


UHLIG, G; KOHLER, N; SCHNEIDER, L : Fenster- Architektur und Technologie im Dialog. Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden 1994

HASSLER, U and KOHLER, N. (Hrsg.): Umbau – Die Zukunft des Gebudebestandes. Tbingen 1999

KOHLER, N.; HASSLER, U.; PASCHEN, H. (Hrsg.): Stoffstrme und Kosten im Bereich Bauen und Wohnen. Studie im Auftrag der Enquete Kommission zum Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt des deutschen Bundestages. Berlin 1999

HASSLER, U.and KOHLER, N. (Hrsg) (2005) Das Verschwinden der Bauten des Industriezeitalters. Wasmuth Verlag, Tbingen

KNIG, H., KOHLER, N., KREISSIG, J., LTZKENDORF, Th. (2009) Lebenszyklusanalyse in der Gebudeplanung. Detail Green Books, Mnchen 2009

KNIG, H., KOHLER, N., KREISSIG, J., LTZKENDORF, Th. (2010) A life cycle approach to buildings: Principles-Calculations-Design tools. Walter de Gruyter, 2010.



Publikationen – publications  :


BEDELL, J; KOHLER, N.: A Hierarchical Model For Building Applications. CIB Conference . Montreal 1993

BEDELL, J. R.; KOHLER N.: A Hierarchical Model for Building Costs, Buildings and the Environment Workshop Proceedings, Sept. 1992

KLING, L; KOHLER, N; GLARDON, C; LIEBLING, Th.: Building Refurbishment as a one-of- a-kind Production. International Working Conference on One-of-a-kind Production. BIBA, Bremen 1991.

COLE, R; KOHLER, N.SMITH, P. [edit]. Buildings and the Environment. International Research Workshop. Cambridge 27.-29.Sept.1992. University of British Columbia. Vancouver BC. 1992

GLARDON, C.; KLING, L; KOHLER, N.: Building Refurbishment as a Multiactor Process. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computer Building Representation for Integration. Aix-les-Bains. 1992.

GLARDON, C; BEDELL, J; HANROT, ST; KOHLER, N.: A Building model to schedule and simulate the house refurbishment process. in EuropIA - Delft - 21-24 June 1993

GLARDON, C; KOHLER, N.; GOBIN, CH.; HEITZ, S; JAILLET, JM; DARRAS, JL: Simulation of the Refurbishment of Occupied Buildings . In: EuropIA'95. 5th. International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Architecture and Civil Engineering. Miramond, M. (edit). Paris.Hermes. 1995

GLARDON, C; KOHLER, N.; LIEBLING, TH: A Prototype Tool to Schedule and Simulate the House Refurbishment Process.. in 1. ECPPM –Conference Dresden 1996

HASSLER, U; KOHLER, N.: Cultural and Environmental Long Term Strategies for the Built Environment. In : by N.S. BAER,N.S.;SNICKARS,F.(edit) : Rational Decision-making in the Preservation of Cultural Property, Dahlem Workshop Report 86. Berlin: Dahlem Univ. Press. pp.235-248.

HASSLER, U.; KOHLER, N.: Interdisciplinary Architectural Research: Cultural Heritage and Resource Conservation. 2nd conference of the ARRC-AEEA – Paris, 2000

HASSLER, U; KOHLER, N.; SCHWAIGER, B.: Industrial Culture And Preservation Of Resources - The Industrial Building Stock. Conference Sustainable Building 2000. Maastricht. 2000

HASSLER, U: KOHLER, N.: Umbau - die Zukunft des Bestands. In Baumeister 4/98

HERMANN, M; KOHLER, N; KNIG, H; LTZKENDORF, TH.: CAAD System with Integrated Quantity Surveying, Energy Calculation and LCA. Green Building Contest Conference – GBC98. Vancouver B.C. 1998

KOHLER, N.; HERMANN, M.; SCHLOESSER, D.: Comprehensive and Scaleable Method for LCA-, Cost- and Energy calculation. Conference Sustainable Building 2000. Maastricht. 2000

KOHLER, N.: Lebenszyklus von Gebuden und Gebudebestnden Tagung Nachhaltigkeit und Denkmalpflege - Das Baudenkmal, Altlast oder erhaltenswerte Ressource. ETHZ – Zrich 1999 (Publikation in Vorbereitung)

KOHLER, N.; RUSSEL, P.: Research in the Field of Architecture : Object and Methods. 2nd conference of the ARRC-AEEA - Paris July 200

KOHLER, N.; KLING, N: Modelisation of Building Refurbishment. in Computer Building Representation. Proceedings of the first international workshop. Oct. 1989. Chexbres. EPFL-LESO, 1989.

KOHLER, N.; MOREL, N. (edit) Computer Building Representation. Proceedings of the first international workshop. Oct. 1989. Chexbres. EPFL-LESO.1989.

KOHLER, N.; MOREL, N.: Die Anwendung von Expertsystemen in der Energiesimulation und ihre Integration in das computeruntersttzte Entwerfen. In Gauchel, J. (Hrsg) : KI-Forschung im Baubereich. Ernst Verlag Berlin 1990.

KOHLER N., LTZKENDORF , TH.: Energieaufwand fr Bau, Nutzung und Abri von Niedrigenergiegebuden, EMPA, Statusseminar Energieforschung im Hochbau, Sept. 1990.

KOHLER, N.: Gnie logiciel et environnement de developpement. State of the art and session report. EUROPIA 90- 2nd. International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Building Architecture and Civil Engineering. Lige. 1990

KOHLER, Niklaus: Life Cycle Costs of Buildings. European Forum on Buildings and Environment. University of B.C. - Vancouver/Canada. March 1991

KOHLER, N.; MOREL, N, SPACCAPIETRA, S.: A building product model for the life cycle of buildings. Contribution to the ESPRIT-CIB Workshop on Computer Integrated Building. Amsterdam 1991.

KOHLER, N.: Modelization of a building during its life time. Seminaire du Conseil International du Batiment-CIB- The Computer Integrated Future Eidhoven NL - Sept. 1991.

KOHLER, N.; LUETZKENDORF, Th. : Energie- und Schadstoffbilanzen von Niedrigenergiegebuden. Schlussbericht Forschungsprojekt BEW. EPFL-LESO 1991.

KOHLER N.; LTZKENDORF, Th. Handbuch zur Erstellung von Energie- und Schadstoffbilanzen von Gebuden. Bundesamt fr Energiewirtschaft. Bern 1992.

KOHLER N.; LTZKENDORF, Th. Leitfaden zur Datenerhebung von Energie- und Schadstoffbilanzen von Gebuden. Bundesamt fr Energiewirtschaft. Bern 1992.

KOHLER, N : Projet de recherche FNRS - Modlisation. du processus constructif de rhabilitation: Rapport final, EPFL, Lausanne, 1992.

KOHLER N et al : Energie und Stoffbilanzen von Gebuden whrend ihrer Lebensdauer .Schlussbericht Forschungsprojekt BEW. Ifib - Universitt Karlsruhe 1994

KOHLER, N , BEDELL, J (1994): Building product model for life cycle applications. First European Conference on Building Product Modelling.Technische Hochschule Dresden. Dresden. October 1994

KOHLER, N: Fenster, Interface oder Filter. Zum Stand von Forschung und Praxis in UHLIG, G; KOHLER, N; SCHNEIDER, L : Fenster- Architektur und Technologie im Dialog. Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden 1994

KOHLER, N. 1995.Life Cycle Models of Buildings. In: EuropIA'95. 5th. International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Architecture and Civil Engineering. Edit : Miramond, M.p. 561-572. Paris.Hermes.

KOHLER N : Simulation von Energie- und Stoffflssen von Gebuden und Gebudebestnden. In Hassler, U. [edit]: Das Denkmal als Altlast? Auf dem Weg in die Reparaturgesellschaft? Universitt Dortmund. 11/12. Okt. 1995. ICOMOS Publication No. 1996

KOHLER, N; KLINGELE, M : Simulation von Energie- und Stoffflssen von Gebuden whrend ihrer Lebensdauer . in 1996 International Symposium of CIB (Conseil international du Btiment) workgroup W67 "Energy and Massflows in the Life Cycle of a Building" Vienna 5.-8. August 1996.

KOHLER, N. et al.: Schlubericht des Projektes -OGIP: Optimierung von Energiebedarf, Baukosten und Umweltbelastung in der Integralen Planung. Bundesamt fr Energiewirtschaft und Amt fr Bundesbauten. Karlsruhe/Weimar/Zrich. 1996.

KOHLER, N; KLINGELE, M : Kombinierte Berechnung von Baukosten, Energiebedarf und Umweltbelastung in frhen Planungsstadien. Schlussbericht des BSU Projektes KOBEK. Ifib- Karlsruhe 1996

KOHLER, N: Life cycle analysis of building refurbishment. IEA Future Buildings Workshop. Stuttgart. Mai 1997

KOHLER, N.; KLINGELE, M.; HEITZ, S.; HERMANN, M.: Simulation of energy and massflows of buildings during their life cycle.. CIB Second international conference Buildings and the Environment Paris June, 9-12, 1997

KOHLER, N; BARTH, B; Hermann, M; HEITZ, S: Life cycle models of buildings based on specifications. CAAD future 97 - Mnchen, 1997

KOHLER, N: Life Cycle Models of Buildings - a new approach. CAAD Futures 97 - Mnchen. 1997

KOHLER, N; SCHWAIGER B; BARTH, B; KOCH, M: Massflow, energy flow and costs of the German building stock. CIB Second international conference Buildings and the Environment Paris June, 9-12, 1997 .

KOHLER, N; SCHWAIGER, B.:Sustainable management of buildings and building stocks. Green Building Contest Conference – GBC98. Vancouver B.C. 1998

KOHLER, N.: Sustainability of New Work Practises and Building Concepts, in: Streitz, N. et al. (Eds.), Cooperative Buildings - Integrating Information, Organization, and Architecture. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Cooperative Buildings (CoBuild '98) February 25-26, 1998, Darmstadt. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Heidelberg 1998. p.154-162

KOHLER, N : An observers perspective on the relevance of GBC98. Green Building Contest Conference GBC98. Vancouver B.C. 1998

KOHLER, N.: Grundlagen zur Bewertung kreislaufgerechter, nachhaltiger Baustoffe, Bauteile und Bauwerke. 20.Aachener Baustofftag 3.Mrz 1998. RWTH. Aachen.

KOHLER, N.; LTZKENDORF, TH. : Evaluation methods of environmental impact and resource consumption Green Building Contest Conference GBC98. Vancouver B.C. 1998

KOHLER, N; EIERMANN, O; SCHWAIGER, B; WALDER, R; HOEFER, P: Lebenszyklusbezogene Bewertung von Gebuden - Methoden und Vergleiche. In Wang, W. (Hrsg.): Die kologische Herausforderung. Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt 1999

SCHWAIGER, B; BARTH, B; KOCH, M; KOHLER, N: Massflow, energy flow and costs of the German building stock. CIB Second international conference Buildings and the Environment Paris June, 9-12, 1997

PEUPORTIER, B; KOHLER,N.;BOONSTRA,Ch.: European Project Regener Life Cycle Analysis Of Buildings in CIB Second international conference Buildings and the Environment Paris June, 9-12, 1997

KOHLER,N.: kobilanzierung von Gebuden und Gebudebestnden. Tagung des BMVBW. Berlin Mrz 2001

KLINGELE,M;KOHLER,N.: Berechnung von Energiebedarf, Baukosten und Umweltbelastung in frhen Projektphasen. in 1996 International Symposium of CIB (Conseil international du Btiment) workgroup W67 "Energy and Massflows in the Life Cycle of a Building" Vienna 5.-8. August 1996.

KOHLER, N: Jeder Generation ihr Haus – Gebude zum Wegwerfen ? in Halter, M. : Bauerneuerung – Projektieren mit Methode. SIA Dokumentation 2001

KOHLER,N.: Die Bedeutung von Umweltzeichen fr Bauprodukte in integrierten Planungswerkzeugen fr nachhaltiges Bauen. Tagung des BMU-BDI. Berlin 2000

KOHLER, N.; LTZKENDORF, TH.; HOLLIGER, M. Die Anwendung der Elementkostengliederung zur Erstellung von Energie- und Schadstoffbilanzen fr Gebude. SI&A No. 9, 1992, s. 170-172

HASSLER, U; KOHLER, N.: Cultural and Environmental Long Term Strategies for the Built Environment. Dahlem workshop on Rational Decision-making in the Preservation of Cultural Property. FU-Berlin, March 2000.

HASSLER, U.; KOHLER, N.: Interdisciplinary Architectural Research: Cultural Heritage and Resource Conservation. 2nd conference of the ARRC-AEEA – Paris, 2000

KOHLER, N.: Lebenszyklus von Gebuden und Gebudebestnden Tagung Nachhaltigkeit und Denkmalpflege - Das Baudenkmal, Altlast oder erhaltenswerte Ressource. ETHZ – Zrich, 1999

KOHLER, N.; RUSSEL, P.: Research in the Field of Architecture : Object and Methods. 2nd conference of the ARRC-AEEA - Paris July 2000

KOHLER, N. Wieviel Beton ist in einem Haus? Tagung Huser aus Beton. Universitt Dortmund, Oktober 2001

KOHLER, N. The relevance of BEQUEST: An observers perspective. Building Research and Information (2002) 30(2), 130-138

KOHLER, N. Die Ressourcenfrage. Nachhaltigkeit im Wohnungsbau. Wstenrot Stiftung (Hrsg.) Wohnbauten in Deutschland. Krmer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2002, S. 158-179

KOHLER, N. Sustainability and Indoor Air Quality. Invited Lecture. Indoor Air 2002. Montery, USA July 2002

KOHLER, N; HASSLER, U. The building stock as a research object. Building Research and Information (2002) 30(4), 226-236

KOHLER, N.; LTZKENDORF, TH.  Integrated Life Cycle Analysis. Building Research & Information (2002) 30(5), 338–348

KOHLER, N. Cultural issues for a sustainable built environment. In Lorch, R. and Cole, R. (edit) Buildings, Culture and the Environment.  London, 2003

OZEL, F ; KOHLER, N : Database issues and simulation modeling of dynamic processes in buildings Contribution to the ACADIA 2002 conference

KOHLER, N : Lebenszyklusanalyse im Planungsprozess. Darmstdter Nachhaltigkeitssymposium. Universitt Darmstadt. Juli 2003

KOHLER, N; MOFFAT, S . Life cycle analysis of the built environment. in Industry and Environment Review, UNEP, 2/3 2003

KOHLER, N . Integrated Life Cycle Analysis in the Sustainability Assessment of Urban Historical Areas. SUIT, 2003

CHOUQUET,J. ,KOHLER, N. , BODIN, O.  Dealing with sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in an integrated building LCA model. IKM, Weimar 2003

KOHLER, N.; LTZKENDORF, TH.  Der Lebenszyklus von Bauwerken und seine Bercksichtigung in Prozessen der Planung und Entscheidungsfindung. Wiss. Zeitschrift der TU Dresden,  2004

KOHLER, N. Zukunftsfhige Gebude – eine Zieldefinition. In VOSS, K et al : Brogebude mit Zukunft. TV Verlag 2004.

KOHLER, N. Analyse de cycle de vie et coopration distribue : Les nouvelles limites de systme. In : Terrin, J.J. (edit) Pratiques de projet : nouveaux enjeux et prospective. Paris PUCA 2004

P.E. BRADLEY, C. FERRARA, N. KOHLER, Estimating survival functions of building stocks 10DBMC International Confrence On Durability of Building Materials and Components LYON [France] 17-20 April 2005

Hassler, U; KOHLER, N. Research in the field of architecture as transdisciplinary research, EURAU04, Proceedings, Marseille 2004

KOHLER, N. Industriell gefertigte Bauwerke als Langzeitprodukte. Denkschrift fr Fritz Haller. Ifib Universitt Karlsruhe, 2005

MOOSMANN, C., QUANTE, K.,KOHLER, N.,WAGNER,N.,JUMEL, ST. Lebenszyklusanalyse von Passivhusern. Passivhaustagung. 2005

Von BOTH, P., KOHLER, N. Eine System zur Entwicklung und Handhabung von Zielen und Produktanforderungen im verteilten Kooperationskontext. IKM, Weimar, 2004

KOHLER, N. Life cycle analysis of buildings, groups of buildings and urban fragments, in M. Deakin, G. Mitchell, P. Nijkamp and R. Vrekeer (eds): Sustainable Urban Development:  The Environmental Assessment Methods, Blackwell,  London, 2006, pp. 348–372.

KOHLER, N., Gessmann, R. and Von Both, P. A virtual life cycle structured platform for building applications, in Proceedingsof the ICCCBE, 2004, Bauhaus Universitt Weimar, Weimar.

KOHLER, N. and Moffatt, S.  Life cycle analysis of the built environment, in Industry and Environment, 2003, 26(2/3), pp. 17–20.

MOFFAT,S. and KOHLER, N. Conceptualizing the built environment as a social-ecological system.  Building Research & Information 2008, 36(3), 248–268.

KOHLER, N. Long-term design, management and finance for the built environment. Building Research & Information,  2008, Volume 36, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 189 – 194

YANG, W. and KOHLER, N. Simulation of the evolution of the Chinese building and infrastructure stock. Building Research & Information, Volume 36, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 1 – 19

BRADLEY,P. and  KOHLER, N. Methodology for the survival analysis of urban building stocks. Building Research & Information, Volume 35, Issue 5, 2007, Pages 529 – 542

KOHLER, N. and YANG, W. Long-term management of building stocks Building Research & Information, Volume 35, Issue 4, 2007, Pages 351 – 362

KOHLER, N. A European perspective on the Pearce report: policy and research Building Research & Information, Volume 34, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 287 – 294

KOHLER,N.  Industriell gefertigte Bauwerke als Langzeitprodukte. Internal report, ifib, Universitt Karlsruhe

AKSZEN, M.;BEHNISCH, M.; KOHLER, N. Life Cycle Scenarios  for urban fragments, EMUE06  European Conference EMUE (Energy – Material – Urban Environment), Paris 18-19 May 2006 (conference contribution, unpublished)

KOHLER, N. Long term management of building and infrastructure stocks in a resource conservation perspective. GCDM-Green City Development Mechanisms. Tsinghua University, Bejing.11-13. October 2006

YANG, W. and KOHLER, N. (2008) Sustainable Evolution of the Chinese Building Stock during the Urbanisation Process. International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE) Dalian, China, July 2008.

YANG, W.; KOHLER,N. and YANG, X. (2008) Analysis on the Status Quo and Development of the Chinese Building Stock. Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China (In chinese)

KOHLER, N., Steadman, Ph. and Hassler,U. (2009) Guest editors of a special issue Research on Building Stocks. Building Research and Information, Vol 37,Issue 5-6, 2009.

KOHLER, N.; STEADMAN, Ph. and HASSLER,U. (2009) Research on the building stock and ist applications. Building Research and Information, Vol 37,Issue 5-6, 2009, 449-452.

GRN, A., BEHNISCH, M., KOHLER, N. (2009) Perspectives in the reality-based generation,nD modelling and operation of buildings and building stocks. Building Research and Information, Vol 37,Issue 5-6, 2009, 520-532

KOHLER, N. Urban time constants - evolution of building and infrastructure stocks. Conference La Fabrique de la Cit. Copenhagen 4.2009

KOHLER, N. Gestion patrimoniale de stocks et modles urbains. Confrence annuelle de la Chaire Eco Conception, l'Ecole des Ponts-ParisTech, Nov. 2010.

KOHLER, N. Energy efficient city – from concept to realization - Results from a competition. 7.BMBF-Forum fr Nachhaltigkeit- Berlin. Nov. 2010

LTZKENDORF, T., KOHLER, N., KNIG, H., BALOUKTSI, M. (2012) Integrated Life Cycle Analysis: Benchmarks. Contribution to the 1st International Conference on Building Sustainability Assessment. Porto, May 2012.

LTZKENDORF, T., KOHLER, N. & KNIG, H. (2012) Integrated Life Cycle Analysis: Benchmarks and Uncertainties. LCA Construction 2012, Nantes.

KOHLER, N.; Thomsen,A.  and Schultmann,F. (2011) Deconstruction, demolition and destruction, in: Building Research & Information 39 (2011) 4, S. 327-332.

HASSLER, U. and KOHLER, N (2011) : Stabile Systeme und der Stolz auf die Geschwindigkeit des Bauens, in: Uta Hassler (Hg.): Langfriststabilitt: Beitrge zur langfristigen Dynamik der gebauten Umwelt. Towards a Sustainable Development of the Built Environment. Zrich 2011, S. 24-31.

KOHLER, N .AND HASSLER ,U. (2012): Alternative scenarios for energy conservation in the building stock, Building Research & Information, 40:4, 401-416

HASSLER, Uta, and Niklaus KOHLER (2014). Resilience in the built environment in Building Research & Information 42.2 (2014): 119-129.

HASSLER, Uta, and Niklaus KOHLER. (2014) The ideal of resilient systems and questions of continuity in Building Research & Information 42.2 (2014): 158-167.

AKSOEZEN, M.; DANIEL,M.; HASSLER,U.;KOHLER,N. (2015). Building age as an indicator for energy consumption,

            Energy and Buildings, Volume 87, 1 January 2015, Pages 74-86

HASSLER, Uta; and KOHLER, Niklaus: (2012) Energieeinsparung und Werterhaltung des Gebudebestandes – eine Kritik politischer Vorgaben, Die Denkmalpflege 70 (2012), H. 2, S. 136–143







Publikationen vor 1992

Liste der Publikationen des Instituts fr Industrielle Bauproduktion (Ifib)
